Bruce Lee Workout Routine 2024


Bruce Lee Workout Routine: According to His Book “The Art of Expressing the Human Body.”

Exercise Sets Reps
Squats 3 10
French Press 4 6
Incline DB Curls 4 6
DB Concentration Curls 3 10
DB Curls (Two-Handed) 3 8
Triceps Stretches 3 8
DB Curls 4 Till Failure
Reverse DB Curls 4 6
Wrist Curls 4 Till Failure

Bruce Lee Workout Routine: Full Body Workout – 3 Days a Week

Exercise Sets Reps
Clean & Press 2 8
BB Squats 2 12
BB Pullover 2 8
BB Bench Press 2 6
Good Morning 2 8
BB Curls 2 8

Bruce Lee’s Workout Routine – 6 Days a Week

Monday: Upper Body

Exercise Sets Reps
BB Bench Press 4 12
Chin–Ups (Weighted) 4 10
Incline Reverse DB Flys 3 10
Incline DB Bench Press 3 10
BB Power Cleans 3 10
Face Pulls 3 10
Plank Rows 3 10
Sit – Ups 3 25
Planks 3 1 Min
Cooldown 800 Mt Jog

Tuesday: Full Body & Endurance  – Total 5 Rounds

Exercise Sets Reps
Sprint 5 100 Mt
Mountain Climbers 5 25
KB Swings 5 20
Burpees 5 15
Pull – Ups 5 10
BB Deadlift 5 5
Sit – Ups 3 25
Planks 3 1 Min
Cooldown 1600 Mt. Jog

Wednesday: Rest Day or Martial Arts

Thursday – Lower Body

Exercise Sets Reps
Squats 4 12
Lunges – Weighted 4 10
Straight Leg BB Deadlift 3 10
Hamstring Curls 3 10
Front Squats (Light) 3 15
Calf Raises 3 10
Box Jumps 3 10
Sit – Ups 3 25
Planks 3 1 Min
Cooldown 800 Mt. Jog

Friday: Full Body

Exercise Sets Reps
Leg Raises 5 50
Push – Ups 5 40
1 – Arm DB Snatches 5 30
Double Under 5 20
Burpees 5 10
Sit – Ups 3 25
Planks 3 1 Min
Cooldown 1600 Mt. Jog

Saturday – Martial Arts

Sunday – Rest Day

Bruce Lee Workout Routine: Strength & Conditioning

Punching Training:

  • Air Punching – 3 Sets of 50
  • Sand Plate – 3 Sets of 50
  • Hanging Bag – 3 Sets of 50

Stretching of Leg:

  • Forward Stretching – 3 Sets of 12
  • Side Stretching – 3 Sets of 12

Kick Training:

  • Straight Kicks – 3 Sets of 12
  • Side Kicks – 3 Sets of 12
  • Kicking Form – 3 Sets of 12

Wooden Dummy Training:

  • Traditional 108 Form
  • Individual Technique Training
  • Training in Entering

Form Practicing:

  • Sil Lum Tao
  • Hand Techniques
  • Wing Chun Fist

Bruce Lee’s Diet Plan

Meal 1

Meal 2

  • Oyster Sauce
  • Beef

Meal 3

  • Protein Shake

Meal 4

  • Rice
  • Chicken

Meal 5

  • Protein Shake


Bruce Lee Workout Routine – Our Closing Thoughts

Bruce Lee believed in combining weight training with martial arts training and cardiovascular exercise. However, he gave more importance to a balanced approach toward fitness. His dedication and commitment to excellence helped him become an inspiration for millions of people globally. While it’s challenging to replicate Bruce Lee’s workout routine to a tee, but here we’ve covered some of his workout plans that you can try. In addition, we can learn to discipline ourselves like him to become the best of what we can be.